The needs and requirements of companies are changing faster and the role of suppliers that must be able to translate perceived but sometimes not yet aware needs into current technological solutions...
Training institutions, public and private, of varying degrees, are increasingly articulated and complex organizations that bring together people with different needs and requirements. Furthermore, for their...
The Public Administration has undertaken an important process of renewal and modernization of its business to go hand in hand with the transformation...
Public Administration
Once the tail light in innovation, it is now perhaps the Public Administration department most attentive to innovations and to everything that can improve efficiency but above all, be careful...
Hotels, wellness centers, gyms, entertainment venues have as their common denominator "hospitality", putting the customer at the center of attention! Our solutions improve...
Hospitality and Leisure
Whether we're talking about large organized distribution (GDO) composed of supermarkets, discount stores and department stores as well as small distribution, mainly composed of...
Public transport companies are complex and constantly evolving organizations always attentive to changes in the market and the evolution of technologies...
Banks and financial institutions are companies with high safety standards for the specificity of the products handled and the information collected. Security measures...
The telecommunications market has changed a lot in recent decades, it has gone from a single operator in a monopoly to multiple types of operators and in competition even if...